2024 RUN3rd 5k Fundraiser

Event Fundraiser: 2024 RUN3rd 5k
Our goal is to provide opportunities for elementary-aged students to learn valuable life-long skills that will help them grow up into productive members of society. While training for an endurance event, and learning perseverance, goal setting and belief in oneself, RUN3rd also teaches students to think of others.
Our students learn to take responsibility for their actions and recognize the impact they have on others, both positive and negative. Our runners learn to see outside themselves, value what others have to offer and celebrate our differences. With your help and support, together, we will empower students, families and their communities!
Learn more here: https://www.run3rdalliance.com
RUN3rd Alliance
RUN3rd Alliance strives to empower youth through after-school running programs that champion students to discover their grit, build meaningful relationships, and inspire healthy communities.
5% raised of $10,000.00 goal